
Featuring a variety of Val-Matic informational posts, as well as industry information.

Entries for 'Amber Underhill'

Over $122M Investment for Water Infrastructure

Illinois American Water invested over $122 million in water and wastewater upgrades in 2018. The 2018 construction season included installing approximately 198,000 ft. (more than 38 mi.) of water main...


How SAGD Works

SAGD stands for steam-assisted gravity drainage. For oil sands formations that are well below the surface (300m – 500m deep), the SAGD process is a means by which the oil can be extracted from the formation...


FloodSafe® Vault Installation Video

Val-Matic's Vault Installation Video shows and describes how the FloodSafe® Inflow Preventor is used to help protect an Air Valve Vault. Click below to view the video...


Protecting Drinking Water Pipelines

A significant risk to public health exists when a drinking water distribution system is exposed to the inflow of contaminated water or toxins at air valve locations along the drinking water pipeline. Read our white paper to find out how Inflow Prevention can help protect these pipelines...


An Introduction to Inflow Prevention

Prior to cross connection and security issues, valve vaults were simply a part of the water distribution system receiving little or no attention unless a problem occurred...


Providing Direction, Gaging Performance

Top Shops benchmarking data helps guide shops’ improvement efforts and enables them to gauge where they rank among industry-leading machining businesses...


Valve Careers: It's Your Move

Ever wonder what it would be like to work in the Valve Industry? Watch this exciting new video from the Valve Manufacturers Association (VMA) about how over 35,000 workers in the U.S. make valves for a better tomorrow...


Intro to Valves - By Werner Sölken

With 40 years in petro and chemical industry Werner shares his knowledge..... Valves are mechanical devices that controls the flow and pressure within a system or process. They are essential components of a piping system that...

Compression Packing Video


The Adventures of Duke Waters

Upon completion of engineering school, I took a seat behind my first engineering desk: one of those gray steel desks with heavy, clunky drawers. Armed with a yellow log slide rule strapped to my belt...


Protect your pipes from festive fats this Holiday

It doesn't matter if you are in the US or the UK, fats, oils and greases can wreak havoc on your pipes. Keep water and sewer systems working properly this Holiday with proper disposal of these festive fats...


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